• +0 941 907 2646
  • feinowgam88@gmail.com
:: Term 1 syllabus in progress... ::


Islamic conference is a formal meeting of young minds with shared interest regarding Islam, its teachings, specific fields etc. These events foster inculcation of ideas to promote Islamic concept in the minds and souls of young minds to become human beings in order to restore peace and harmony.


What else you need, when you love Allah so passionately. Oral teachings need a practical wagon to stimulate results. The training of how to get ready for prayer & how to bow all of your griefs before the Almighty is a wonderful practice. Ablution is purification (hygiene) a ceremonial act of washing parts of body for the preparation to offer prayer , which is a solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to Allah a communication process that allows us to talk to Allah. FEI considers it a religious duty to inculcate the passion and awareness in its female and male students, alongwith the academic and general studies. The efforts are continuous and consistent to make the students religious scholars right from childhood. In order to accomplish this mission the Institute has five well qualified and dedicated teachers who tirelessly make efforts to accomplish the set goal. The students are practically imparted the instructions and training of performing Ablution and prayers. Praise to Allah, the students perform Sulah according to Sunnah. A separate provision of performing Ablution and ample space to offer congregational prayer at Zuhar.


Art is an integral part of an    early childhood that encourages children to express themselves. Art has a role in education to     help children become like themselves instead of more like everyone else. Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, having mistakes and having fun. One who is not artistic is not a human being.


The object of this programme is to create awareness among            the people to protect the environment from various threats and pledge to keep it safe for our better future. For sustainable development, protection of environment is of first priority and this is possible only by sensitizing masses and students are the best ambassadors for the purpose. With this background awareness activities are organized regarding these vital issues.


Model exhibition is a brilliant medium for students to sculpture their raw talent and innocent creativity and teachers act as a tool in the process of this artistic venture. In an exhibition, students get a chance to apply or do the practical aspect of the things that they have learnt in the classroom. The model exhibition of today is the technology of tomorrow. Our goal is to impart vocational education to the students like art, craft and waste material activities in order to enhance their talent, skills, interests and abilities.


It's a very merry moment to see small children showing the innocence & beauty of their talent through displaying the art of fruit dressing & organisation. The objective of fruit mella is to create awareness about the fruit texture, colour, smell, taste and importance of consumption of fruits and thus educating the children while celebrating.  It also provides an opportunity to aware students that fresh fruits are better than junk food.


Every child is a different kind of flower and altogether makes this World a beautiful garden. Children are the World's most valuable resource and its best hope for the future. Eid is an auspicious occasion of celebration and a milestone of happiness in our lives. It is a fortunate moment to see wonderful scenario during this festive occasion.


Recreation is a wonderful way of enjoying and taking a break from the monotony of regular work and studies. As far as students are concerned, it acts as a balm on their physical as well as their psychological development. Outdoor activities like hiking, camping, running, adventure planning are encouraged as these activities help the students to reprogramme and rest their brains to give a fresh start to their routine studies.


“Prevention is better than Cure”. Medical check-ups           in school are important to assess healthy growth and development of a child.   This preventive check-up data becomes baseline for future reference. It is a must thing to be set      up on a concrete platform in a school. The facility of almost all general ailments and emergency first-aid & medical kits and their smart availability always remains first priority.



Get together with all students, teachers and parents; make parents aware about the feats and errors of students; encourage mutual trust between students, staff and parents. For mass contact, a parental conference becomes mandatory. The Institute diary is an integral and effective link between the school and parents, for both need to work in unison for better growth and progress of students. It provides a clear view of the school's plans, policies, rules & regulations, establishing an interaction between the parents and teachers.


An event that reminds students that teachers teach from the heart and are passionate educators, providing    great help; making students feel safe, secure and confident. Culture is a breathing system of any civilization. Culture has the power to mould a thorny bush into a bouquet of beautiful flowers. School is a hub of cultural fest where the students, from basic to higher level get an opportunity to get educated and become aware of their culture. The students are encouraged to participate in different types of competitions viz., Quiz, Art, Writing, Sports, Debates, Seminars, Model & Science exhibitions, Cultural programmes etc. to expose the inner talent and to provide a vent to the hidden capabilities of learners.


Study Nature, love Nature, Stay close to Nature. Outing and educational adventures act as an exilir in refreshing and resetting the mind and body of students as well as their mentors. These events help students to explore nature and natural resources; moreover, such activities have great educational values as students witness and observe things happening in nature.


Accountability yields results and this is the concept of having examinations at all levels. Having a robust examination system is always productive. The examinations are such designed to allow students to adjust all curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities within an academic calendar. The school has stood test of times and has proved that anything is possible if we have determination and sincerity.


Trips and tours will be allowed, subject to the written permission of the Patron/Chairman and an undertaking from the parents/guardians that they will be sending their wards for such activities on their own risk and responsibility.